Gate Type Agitator
The area between the Gate – type Agitator & reactor wall is very small which is propitious to heat transfer. During quick rotations, the quiescent layer will be brought down from the reactor wall by the liquids driven by the agitator blade, during slow rotations, agitator with scrapper blades have better heat conduction performance. Such agitators are usually used for heat transfer operation, crystallization, agitation of highly viscous slurries & settling slurries

Turbine Agitators
We manufacture Straight flat blade turbine agitator, Pitched blade & straight blades attached to disc type agitators. These are capable of creating a vigorous mixing action due to the centrifugal & rotational motion generated by them.
The back sloped turbine agitator offers maximum power economy. A stator ring surrounding this agitator gives an efficient mixing action. A radial bladed turbine gives a higher discharge velocity

High Speed Disc Agitators
This has a disc with corrugations. The speed of the agitator provides sufficient centrifugal force through surface friction to generate a flow. It produces high shear & helps disintegration of low density fibrous solids

Zero Leakage Magnetic Stirrer Drive
The autoclaves can be equipped with glandless high-pressure rotary stirrers with integrated magnetic couplings. Stirrer drive: the drive of the stirrer is adjustable. The stirring speed of the DC motors is remote – adjusted from the electric control box Speed Indication: display of the stirrer shaft speed is achieved by a digital instrument mounted on the control box.
Stirrer shaft speed is measured by an inductive sensor which takes its measurement by an indication magnet mounted on the stirrer shaft.

Propeller Agitator
A propeller agitator is shaped with a tapering blade to minimise the effect of centrifugal force & to produce a maximum axial flow. It may be mounted centrally, off centre or at an angle to the tank

Radial Propeller Agitators
It has blades fixed at the mid & at the end of a rotating arm. The blades are pitched to the direction of rotation. By varying the height, width & angle of pitch, turbulence & shear can be controlled.